Friday, September 6, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Quiz 7 Q2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
 Some student like to work in group with other students when doing assignments and projects. Other students prefer to work independently. 
Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
     Students must learn all the skills that they need in their future job, such as doing presentations , work in groups, and working in their projects. However,I prefer to work with my classmates in group when we have an assignments and projects  . This make the project easier , funnier and more useful than working alone.
     First, working in group make the project easier for student . By working in group ,the group could take the strength spots of the group's member, and avoid the weakness spot in each one. To explain my point ,I want to give an example from my experience when I was student. The professor gave us an project and told u to work in groups of three. I was bad at writing, and my friend was very shy girl , so we deiced to make her doing the writing for the project and I took the presentation part because I am a good speaker and the third person give us the materials we needed for the project. We got a full mark for that project, Which is impossible for me if I worked alone .
    Next, working in groups make the projects funnier for the student. Working alone in project is so boring , especially long projects. However ,When student works with friend and classmates ,they will enjoy their time being together, and finishing the project faster .
     The reason for given assignments and project is to help the student understand the subject better . And one way to make this projects more useful is working in groups. For example, if the student in group and he was missing some lectures, that would not effect him because the rest of group's members will help hem or her to catch up.Moreover, this experience will help them in their future job when the have to work in big companies with a lot of employees.
     Finally, working in groups one of the must effecting ways to teach student . Also it makes project easy , funny ,and useful, and a good lesson for their future live. Professor and teachers should fouces in this kind of activity which is useful in jobs ,it will save the students' time in  the future.  

Quiz 7

The reading point that when human acute stress a hormonal response makes us either to fight or to flee quickly. This mechanism  known as fight or flight response, because our body get adrenaline which is stimulates the heart rate. However , the professor refutes this point by saying  that 90 per cent of those research done in men , and women response differently than men . She also says that women more like tend or be friend.
      The reading states that fight response shows aggressive behavior . It could take a various forms, fight, angry. or an argument which lead sometimes to physical attack. Unlike the reading ,the listening says that women do not have fight response . And she gives an example ,if two scientists face a problem they may clean the lab and get some coffee and talk about it .
        Finally, the reading talks about the flight response , which is when someone run away from stress situations. Also , it talks about the form of flight response this days ,it could be withdraw from social activities. The professor goes against the author in this point , and says that women being more social and prefer to talk with friend about the problem and ask for advies.           

Monday, August 26, 2013

Q4 Writing

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is more important for students to read books about real events than it is for them to read novels.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion .

     One of the importent sources for students is reading , no matter what is the subject or the author .Because reading improve language skills such as writing and grammer. Moreover, reading helps student to learn more about different subjects, especially the one they are interested on .However, I disagree with this statement .Reading books such as novel could help their brains and language skills better than real events books .
     Reading books such as novels is helping the student  to figure out different types of emotion. When a student read about love or war , both of them together some time , that makes hem or her feel the same emotions that  the main character in the novel could has  . Most of time the readers did not experience this situation before  , so they do not know about this emotions .Reading novels help the student to gather different experience , and to live in different worlds for a while .
       Novels are a n interesting subject for student . To make students read more one has to intrest them. What is real importent is to make students want to read more, and novels are a a great way to encourage student to read more. Student are reading about real events every day from classes such as history , and they want something unusual to grab their attention.
      Reading this type of books makes student improve their writing skills. For example my sister when she was at school she hated reading . I start to give her novels and short stories , after while she was getting better in her writing class, and her teacher noticed that . Their brain unconsciously are taking the correct structure   for the sentence ,then they do it correct in writing
    Finely , student should read this materials to learn more about their emotions, and to improve their skills .   As much as they read ,as much as they get better in their live . However, this novels should be written by a good authors ,so student could get a useful time reading it .

Exercise 4.2.A

The reading states that member of city council want to adopt a new plan to improve the aera between a lake and bay in the downtown . The plan is about cut trees and vacant lots between building, and make spaces for stories in street -level and and spaces for residential use as well. However,  the listing  disagree with the reading and says that this plan will destroy the lake view .The professer gives alternative plan to make this area a park ,and this will benefit all people not only the developers
   After that the reading talks about how this plan going to help needed-housing in the downtown core. It talks about the feature in the building such as swimming pool, tennis court and restaurants. Thus are going to attract people to live in downtown .Unlike the reading ,the listening says that this building going to be to expansive for must  people  , especially people how work in the stories in the same area will not be able to afford it .
 Finally, The reading says that the plan going to benefit the city by providing new jobs ,sales taxes , wood uses , and attract people to visit and live in the downtown area. Which is going to improve the city economically. The professer refutes this point by saying this plan will help only the developers industry .Moreover, this plan will affects the enverment   negatively by cutting the tree instead of extension green area . 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


      Every morning my mother starts her day with news from around the world. For me , I'm not intrested in that because i don't trust midia . From my opinion each newspeper or news channel has espical agenda which try to cnvince people to believe in what they believe in. However, to follow the news and be objective you have to be fimieler with the world  history. Although , not all history books are so objective . It's realy hard to find some worthtrust news these days with all these wars and violince around the world .
     Censorship is onther problem . In Arbic countries the news is censored by goverments and people used to search in diffrent websites to find out what realy going on . These day, Twiter has been the number one websiet which people trust to get news because people can see what ever they wants and shere news together .

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Alhazen and Galileo Galilei

Alhazen and Galileo Galilei     

      100 years ago people did not know as much as we do these days. What about 1000 years ago? At that time people were thinking that the Earth is the center of the world and the sun moves around it . Until  Alhazen invented optics science  and Galileo used it to  prove that was not true .  Despite the fact that Alhazen and Galileo had  similarities , they also had some differences.

         According to psychologists the backgrund is a mean factor in any personalty. In the same way , Alhazen was born  in Basra in 956, which known as Islamic golden age. He was educated in Bagdad, after that he moved to Cairo and worked there as civil servant. Next he wrote his book "Book of optics" .Also he tough at Alazhar  university . However, Galileo Galilei was born  in 1564 ,in Pisa .He was educated in the Camaldolese Monastery at Vallombrosa , southeast of Florence. In 1581 he diced to change his major from medicine to mathematics and nature philosophy.  Then he had been tough at University of Padua until 1610 .  

        Galileo was interested in  Astronomy , but Alhazen was not interested in that field  . Actually ,Alhazen spent his live studying optics science. they both were the most intillegnt scientists in their field . In fact without ALhazen book ,Galileo would not be abel to prove his ideas about Astronomy . Because the telescope  which Galileo had been used it besad on Alhazen book. 
       Similarly, Alhazen and Galileo fought false beliefs . In Alhazen case , people thought the light comes from eyes to things and that way people could see. Alhazen did not believe that and he searched and did experiments in animals eyes  until he found that eyes receive lights, then  reflect it outside and that why we can see .   Although , in Galileo time, people believed that the earth is the center of the world and the sun moves around it. As alhazen , Galileo made his research ,and by his telescope he saw that many planets have more than one moon move around them , and they all include the earth move around the sun.
       After what I found about  ALhazen and Galileo, I realized  that they put the corner ston in Astronomy and optics science. After that many scientists  have been used them in all possible areas. Although , after 100 years, people will know more and more than what we know now.